Terms of Use
Thank you for using our services and products (from now on, services). Our services are provided by 4G Health and Wellness Retreats (from now on 4G Health and Wellness Retreats) in Ioannina. The information that are published on the website (https://4g-retreats.com/) are (4G Health and Wellness Retreats)’s and its representatives’ private property, from now on (brand) and are secured by the Greek and the National Copyright Law. Every illegal action against 4G Health and Wellness Retreats’s copyrights allows 4G Health and Wellness Retreats to go on every legal action
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Information and graphics that are published on 4G Health and Wellness Retreats’s website are not allowed to be copied republished, or to be displayed (?) without 4G Health and Wellness Retreats’s written permission. The website includes (?) Trademarks, Service Marks, Photos, and other information that owns on the 4G Health and Wellness Retreats and are protected by the law. Site’s contents (such as text, graphics, images and software) are 4G Health and Wellness Retreats’s literary property and are protected by the Greek and National Law. Every copy, display, or relay of this site without written permission is forbidden.